USAID Integrated Health Program Democratic Republic of Congo





The Challenge of Strengthening Social Behaviour Change 

Matchboxology is the Human Centered Design partner of Abt Associates in the USAID-funded Integrated Health Programme (IHP) project in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The challenge was finding ways to translate insights into activities for the IHP and the Government of the DRC to implement. The project focused on improving health-seeking behaviour in various health areas by engaging with health system stakeholders and communities.

Community Engagement and Co-Creation Workshops 

The team engaged communities and health workers in multiple provinces. They held discussions, interviews, and co-creation workshops with diverse participants from each of the sectors. They collected prototype creative content ideas and delivery mechanisms and completed first-round evaluations and rollout. The solutions were tailored and scalable activities on regional, provincial and community levels.

Team Enhancement and Skills Building 

The project also promoted interpersonal skills development to ease the burden of health facility staff and improve client experiences. They trained facilitators to work with health facilities to improve the client and staff experience.


The Result

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