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Stimulating a learning organisation

Change is closely related to learning. There are many ways to learn, but playing and experimenting are two of the most powerful learning methodologies. Based on the 360 project that was conducted in collaboration with the Swindon Borough Council, UK, minds & makers from Germany, showed how such interventions help participants reflect their behaviors, routines and knowledge. This is a powerful tool to disclose compelling insights and stimulate behavioural change.

Breaking boundaries in organisations can be challenging especially when there are many different departments. minds & makers went into detail about how they can approach such issues and how to encourage a target audience using innovative ways to help move projects forward. Connecting to other people helped promote the project accessibly.

To set up a research that is about exploring how an organization could change, a starting point could to be make the participants pensive and let them take the researchers on a learning journey, that is mind shifting and encouraging.
