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Methods & Results

What we offer : Understanding the experiences and dreams of your customers is where it all starts.

We inform and inspire your service innovation process with rich customer insights. By immersing your team in the process right from the beginning, we make these insights actionable, engaging and sustainable. Our unique multi-market approach leads to insights that are unified and rooted in multiple markets, with data collection carefully designed to respect the uniqueness of each locale. Research outcomes are synthesised in a way that your team can easily comprehend and get inspired by. 

Key project outcomes include:

  • New insights about your customers
  • New untapped product and service opportunities
  • Understanding of barriers to their future adoption
  • A structured archive of customer data
  • Generative models or frameworks to build upon
  • Suggestions for future concept directions

We are experienced with a number of research methods, from interviewing and observation to cultural probes and design documentaries. The chosen methods in a specific study are dependent on both the topic and the circumstances of the fieldwork.

How we work : From immersion in the field to insight creation and idea generation, we make sure you are involved at every stage.

Our process is more iterative than linear. Insights and ideas inevitably come up during fieldwork. We document them and use them immediately during the fieldwork, if we can, to get quick responses and get a conversation going from an early stage. We keep in close contact with the client team throughout the entire process, and exchange considerable knowledge about the rationale for our methodology and how we conduct the research. In this way your team gradually builds up more knowledge and understanding of design research too.

  1. Immersion in the field usually entails visiting people in their own environment, relevant to the topic of the study (i.e., home, school, work, during transport). Often people from the client team join us. 
  2. Insight creation includes clustering and mapping of research materials, analysis of emerging themes, and identification of problem areas and opportunity spaces. This results in a framework of understanding that serves as a key future reference for the client. Workshops with the client help us to develop this framework.
  3. Idea generation happens in workshops with a multi-disciplinary client team. Using the framework from the previous stage, we brainstorm on potential responses to the identified problems and opportunities. Through iterations we filter and model until we find the strongest ideas that are most important to you, our client.

To ensure a consistent level of quality and a minimum level of stress for our clients, we emphasize effective project management throughout these three stages. One of our companies acts as the primary contractor for a client. Normally this is the company that is closest to where the client is based. The primary contractor will make sure all participating partners from the network deliver fully, on time and within budget, and provide a guarantee of quality of all services and deliverables.

Our operating model