
Catalysts: Thoughts on Design Research for Meaningful Change

Catalysts: Thoughts on Design Research for Meaningful Change is available to buy here.  Creatives, designers and researchers often find themselves in the role of ‘Catalysts’ in complex change processes. This might be in projects commissioned by clients or partners or in self-initiated projects. Many of us identify ourselves as activists and ambassadors for system change. … Continue reading “Catalysts: Thoughts on Design Research for Meaningful Change”


How sticky research drives service design

At the 2009 Service Design Network Conference in Madeira, STBY and Spur presented a paper together with Reach client T-Mobile on in particular how our use of video made our design research ‘stick’ throughout the process. In the paper we discuss the problem of the lost shoes.


How considerate…

When traveling from Paris to the Alps by highspeed train this winter we found this sticker above our seats. It looked like a shy mobile phone to me at first, but it’s true meaning…
