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GOOD Morning: Changing perspectives on empathy and participation

Design research is ideally a strong collaborative effort: An empathic conversation between design researchers, the people they recruit as participants and the organisation that is in search for a deeper understanding of the value and meaning it creates for people. Participants, and these may include the staff that delivers a service, shape the design research and are the foundation of what it accomplishes. Notions of co-exploration, co-ideation and co-design have emerged from many experiments around the globe and across decades. Has a truly global idea about co-X in design research emerged? What local approaches, from India to Russia, from the UK to Singapore,  inspire new empathic collaborations in design research?

The Powers of Ten principle combines a micro and a macro perspective on this topic. Through stories from around the globe and conversations in the room, GOOD Morning will explore what the co-X approach means on the ground while doing fieldwork and analysis, as well as what the implications for methodology and results are.

What value is being created for an organisation by involving participants so heavily in design research? When, and how well, are participants able and willing to contribute? And most importantly: What roles can they play in the effort of an organisation to improve its services?

The aim was that anyone with an interest in engaging with the latest thoughts and views on global design research will find new ideas and great stories in this event. Practitioners, consultants, academics, students, designers, researchers, managers, especially early adopters would be keen to exchange their points of view with other thought leaders in the field, will  benefit by sharpening their thinking with important implications for their practice.

GOOD Morning took place from 9:00 to 13:00. A range of presentations of international case studies were followed by extensive discussions in small groups in the audience, led by the many Reach design researchers present.

Click here for a look at the programme for GOOD Morning.