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UX Hong Kong, 2016

Innovation through User Centred Design

In a special event ahead of the conference UXHK 2016, Reach speakers represented by Apogee, Fuelfor, IDSL and STBY shared their local and global design research thinking and best practices from project experiences from across the globe. The panel introduced methods, case studies and processes working towards making an impact.

The presentation and panel discussion aimed to familiarise an audience of diverse backgrounds with some of the approaches and tools that can support the application of design research methods in different contexts and environments.

About UXHK

UX Hong Kong (UXHK) is a learning event dedicated to bringing all product and service design disciplines together, from research, marketing, design, technology and the business to name a few, who are interested and passionate about designing great experiences for people and business for a better world for all. Visit the event page here to find out about upcoming conferences.