Generating Sparkle to Make Meaningful Work around the globe






Creating Learning Environments

Apogee, our our Reach partner in Hong Kong, has researched creating work environments that contribute to people's wellness, by encouraging both work and learning modes. Creating learning environments is key to this. They have developed five key tools to start to understand and create a learning environment: Character Cards, Practice Spotting, Practice Cards, Learning Portfolios, and a Meaning Canvas.

Reflection and Understanding

The intent of these tools is to accomplish reflection at work, so people can better understand themselves and their colleagues. They are also meant to help understand what work is meaningful to individuals and teams. Learning environments allow people the time to see different perspectives and understand systemic complexity. Apogee runs workshops and training programs on these tools in various locations.

Tools to Enhance Work Environments

The key tool are to accomplish reflection at work and to generate sparkle and make meaningful work.


The Result

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